Mary Oliver. “Bear.” Why I Wake Early. Boston: Beacon Press. 2004.

It’s not my track,

I say, seeing

the ball of the foot  and the wide heel

and the naily, untrimmed

toes. And I say again,

for emphasis,



to no one but myself, since no one is

with me. This is

not my track, and this is an extremely

large foot, I wonder

how large a body must be to make

such a track, I am beginning to make



bad jokes. I have read probably

a hundred narratives where someone saw

just what I am seeing. Various things

happened next. A fairly long list, I won’t



go into it. But not one of them told

what happened next—I mean, before whatever happens—



how the distances light up, how the clouds

are the most lovely shapes you have ever seen, how



the wild flowers at your feet begin distilling a fragrance

different, and sweeter than any you ever stood upon before—how



every leaf on the mountain is aflutter.


Mary Oliver. “Bear.” Why I Wake Early.  Boston: Beacon Press. 2004.