Mushim invites us to listen

Sage Mahosadha shared:  nathan miller Two weeks ago, in our Noble Truth class, our teacher, Mushim Ikeda-Nash gave us a homework assignment in which we were to watch a video entitled Middle Way Bass. You may view it here: The idea here is a basic and foundational construct in Buddhism–The Middle Way. In the video the teacher demonstrates this concept by tightening and loosening the strings of his bass guitar and illustrating how when the strings are too loose, the sound quality of the instrument suffers and similarly when the strings are too tight, the sound quality of the instrument also suffers. As you might expect, there are endless ways to apply these principals to our daily lives. Here is one way I have applied these principals to my facebook page in the last few weeks. In the recent past this facebook page was known for its relatively intense and often incendiary commentary on racism, white privilege, white supremacy, economic injustice, etc. I believe that approach reflected the “strings” of the page being too tight. And 3.5 years ago, when I first joined facebook, the page was largely sugary sweet spiritual-esque quotes, rainbows and unicorns, so to speak. I have come to see that approach as representing the “strings” of this page being too loose. Currently this page is a mixture of commentary on race, politics, white privilege, economic injustice and such but I am much more mindful to present these commentaries in a more skillful action and beneficial speech way. AND..I also consciously endeavor to intermingle this intense commentary with beautiful and healing and relaxing photos like the recent one of the chair surrounded by purple flowers or the beautiful nature photography of my friend Nathaniel Miller, etc. In just the few short weeks of implementing these changes I have noticed a marked change in the energy people bring with them now when they come to this page. People seem more relaxed, more at ease, more comfortable and I believe many people feel more welcome here now as well. Thank you, Mushim ♥ and thank you beautiful friends who have created pages from whence I can steal beautiful and inspiring imagery.   middle way bass An excerpt from a lecture, “Buddhism & the Middle Way,” given at the Buddhist Church of Lodi on November 7, 2008. Special thanks to Steve Ogata for videotaping.