Public Works Administration
2525 West 1st Street
Loveland, CO 80537

8 May 2020

There are many kinds of kindness and generosity in the world, and an unreasonable amount of rudeness in people and situations. I write you as a citizen of this town, because I have encountered what I consider as inappropriate behavior on the part of the staff at the recycling center.

When I went there last week I had truck load of post winter cleanup in the truck, ¾” branches as well as some half rotted fence boards. The teller dismissed my accounting, and with a glare of disapproval said that he’d have to inspect the load. He came out and curtly questioned a few splatters of paint. I explained were from painting the house near to the former fence.  I am not accustomed to having my word questioned, but what irked me was the manner in which it was done.

Perhaps your selection of workers as this municipal facility has been prejudiced by someone who values obsessive rule following and has thus promulgated mistrust of the public in the staff. I am familiar how that might occur, having met several of that type, who often presents well to their superiors but denigrate those over which they attempt to exercise control, to the detriment of both the organization and those they encounter.

I understand the need to avoid inadvertent contamination of the waste stream, I have held several positions where I had to account for, and dispose of, hazardous and radioactive waste; as an officer for the university of Colorado’s disease laboratory, and as an instructor in industrial safety. Having learned as a rural homesteader to be a careful recycler of materials flowing through my home and business, I am perhaps more observant than most.  My gardening and yard clean up clothes don’t have badges to indicate my professional expertise in these fields, nevertheless, every member of the public is entitled to be treated with courtesy.

The appearance of friendliness as well as an outward show of respect are not an unreasonable expectation to be met for everyone visiting any publicly-funded facility. I know full well that sometimes folks need be instructed on appropriate behavior and how materials need to be sorted. I know that this task can be done without demeaning people or using derision or shame as a technique. It might be appropriate to caution everyone who works there, supervisors as well as staff, that everyone is subject to censure for disrespect of those who you are supposed to serve.


Rev. BrightHeart Lewis Headrick, LCSW
4011 Burr Oak Dr.
Loveland, CO 80538